Girl's 3 on 3 Hockey Season - 2012 Season, News (Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc.)

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Feb 05, 2012 | Walter Palermo | 1665 views
Girl's 3 on 3 Hockey Season - 2012 Season
Starting in April 20122nd Annual Girl's 3 on 3 Hockey

For information on how to restristar and details of the season read the rest of this article.

Costs: Registration before March 15 = $105 (after = $120)

- 8 games guaranteed
- Play begins in April and ends in June
- Games are tentatively scheduled Wednesday Evening & Saturday (see below)
- Each player will be provided a team jersey
- Each player must bring their own water bottles
- Teams will be made up of a minimum of 9 skaters and 1 goalie
- Teams will be formed as fair as possible from all players registered
- Attempts will be made to place at least 2 players on each team from a specific centre

Divisions for Girl's 3 on 3 will be as follows:

Novice / Atom Division        2004-2002          Saturdays
PeeWee Division                2000-2001          Saturdays
Bantam Division                 1998-1999          Wednesdays
Midget Division                  1993-1997          Wednesdays

For more information contact: [email protected]  or 519-688-0853
Details and Registration form can be found at 3 on 3 Girls Hockey website
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