Reminder - Two timekeepers assigned to home games, News (Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc.)

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Jan 31, 2014 | jmclean_inactive | 5558 views
Reminder - Two timekeepers assigned to home games
FYI - TMHI are assigning 2 timekeepers in the box for the remainder of all home games this season for ages Novice and up. All the timekeepers have had a refresher training in December to assure the game sheets are completed properly. Parents only are welcome to still come in the box to play music or refresh themselves on completing the game sheet.

Please no siblings or others under the age of 18 in the box with the timekeepers.
My apologizes, I was made aware that some of the coaches/managers did not receive this correspondence
back in December. We were experiencing some email issues, so again I apologize if you did not have this information.
Thank you
