At our recent meeting of March 10th the TMHI
board passed a resolution
“TMHI on a go forward
basis allows an AE team in Bantam and Midget should there be 32 skaters, and 3
goaltenders minimum, attending REP tryouts.” The reasoning behind this
motion was player safety and pro-active planning. In recent years TMHI, along with
Hockey Canada have experienced a significant drop off in player registration in
the Bantam & Midget age groups.
History has shown TMHI that if there are not sufficient players wishing to play the rep stream of hockey, that requesting players from local league to complete the team is not in the best interest of any of the players. AE teams in our Southern counties loop have shown fluctuating numbers of participation in all age groups, but especially Bantam & Midget. The minimum number of interested players allows the board a bench mark for planning during the extremely busy time of September tryouts. Players will be asked at registration whether or not they are interested in playing the competitive rep stream in order to determine the level of interest in each age group. The board should have a good indication of interest ahead of time and hopefully avoid the uncertainty of whether there will be enough players to have an AE team come the middle of September.
The elimination of body checking in local league for Bantam & Midget age groups brought in by OMHA was reviewed before this motion was passed. Understanding that there is currently still body checking in the Rep stream for these age groups.TMHI will continue to have body checking clinics for the age groups, as well encourage a larger AP list to allow players exposure to body checking for those who wish to AP up in the rep stream or wish to try for out for the rep stream in the future.
This is not saying TMHI will not be having an AE team in Bantam & Midget age groups, it is simply establishing guidelines to successfully plan for whether or not a team is feasible. Any questions you have regarding this motion please email me at VP Communications.