Jul 29, 2015 | Dana Hicks | 7397 views
Dust off your Skates!!!
TMHI is offering Free skates to get everyone in Novice-Midget ready for the season. Tornadoes & Lightning:
The following ice times have been set for any child registered in Novice through Midget to come for a clinic to get the skates ready, try out your new equipment and have some fun!
August 27:
6pm - Novice (boys & girls)
7pm - Atom ( boys & girls)
8pm - Pee Wee (boys & girls, Bant & Mid girls)
9pm - Bantam/Midget ( boys )
September 2:
6pm - Novice (boys & girls)
7pm - Atom (boys & girls )
8pm -Pee wee (boys & girls, Bant & Mid girls)
9pm - Bantam/Midget (boys)
These skates are free provided by TMHI and run by Hockey Operations