Jul 26, 2016 | dbehman | 6167 views
Dust off your skates!
TMHI is offering Free skates to get all Tornado and Lightning players in Novice to Midget ready for the season.
The following ice times have been set for any child registered in Novice through Midget to come for a clinic to get the skates ready, try out your new equipment and have some fun!
Monday August 22:
6pm - Novice boys
7pm - Atom boys
Wednesday August 24:
7pm - PeeWee boys
8pm - Bantam boys
9pm - Midget boys
Monday August 29:
5pm - Novice boys
6pm - Atom boys
Tuesday August 30:
6pm - PeeWee boys
7pm - Bantam boys
8pm - Midget boys
Wednesday August 31:
7pm - Novice girls and PeeWee girls
8pm - Atom girls
Thursday September 1:
6pm - Novice girls and PeeWee girls
7pm - Atom girls
These skates are free (provided by TMHI), open to everyone in Novice to Midget, and run by Hockey Operations.
You can also find the times in the website calendar in each division under "X Clinic" where X is the division name.