Aug 26, 2019 | jravin | 888 views
Sign-Up For Your Bond Hours
Our volunteer spreadsheet has now gone live. Please click here to take a look and find a spot that works for you.
If you have questions please contact Corinne Cvitkovic -
[email protected]
Each family is responsible for 2 hours per child, to a maximum of 4 volunteer hours per season. Bond opportunities will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc has added a mandatory $50 "Bond" per child up to a maximum of $100 per family (completely refundable). This money is NOT a fee. It is a “deposit” and is 100% refundable (meaning we will return the cheque) at the end of the season. These post-dated bond cheques must be handed in prior to skaters going onto the ice, including tryouts.