TMHI Families,
As we approach September 22 and the role out of vaccination passports, please remember to
BE KIND to the Town of Tillsonburg Staff and to TMHI Volunteers that are required to adhere to the policies implemented.
Please find the details regarding the protocol for arena entry for all
spectators coming to the arena to watch tryouts, practices and games.
As of September 22, 2021, the Province of Ontario will require members of the public to be fully
vaccinated to access certain public settings, including recreation centres (O/Reg 645/21).
To enter the Tillsonburg Community Centre, visitors must provide proof of full vaccination as well as proof of identity (such as a driver’s licence or health card) as required by the law. A copy of your vaccine receipt will be accepted as proof.
- Town staff will verify vaccination for all spectators.
- Patrons will be required to wear a mask and sanitize hands upon entry into the facility. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance of the facility.
- Spectators will enter immediately after the team and will be asked to follow directional arrows to the viewing areas.
- Only Coaches, Instructors, participants and officials will be allowed on the lower level of the facility. (Maximum 140 on Memorial or 125 Community & 3 on the mini rink) **2 additional parent helpers are permitted to assist with skaters under the age of 12. Parent helpers must return to the stands once their skaters are on the ice
- Spectator seating is permitted as per Provincial Guidelines. Memorial Arena 366 max, Community Arena 63 max, Mini Arena 2 max
- Warm arena viewing is available. Please adhere to the capacity limits.
- Masks must be worn in the facility at all times
Arguing with or otherwise trying to intimidate staff into ignoring provincial law is not acceptable behaviour and may result in being banned from the facility.
**In accordance with OMHA's Vaccine Policy, all youth over 12 and volunteers have until October 31st to be fully vaccinated to have no interruption to ice schedules **
Thank you in advance for your adherence and kindness,
TMHI Board of Directors