Cheque Requisition Reimbursement Request (Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc.)

Cheque Requisition Reimbursement Request
Please note this is only for reimbursements for TILLSONBURG teams. If you are expense is related to the Storm teams, please complete the requisition request located on their webpage - Under the "Operations/Volunteers" tab.

Personal Information

Expense Information

If this is expense is for a Storm team - you must complete the form on the Storm website located under the "Operations/Volunteers" tab.

Here is a quick link to their form  - CLICK HERE

Please do not proceed with submitting this form if your expenses are for Storm teams. 

1  - I understand that all requests for expense cheques must be reviewed and approved prior to any funds being processed. 

2 - I understand that all receipts must be provided in entirety for any reimbursements to be provided.

3 - I confirm that the receipts provided in this document are valid and factual.