TMHI Constitution
The name of the Corporation shall be: TILLSONBURG MINOR HOCKEY INC.
The purpose of the Corporation shall be to promote minor hockey for the boys and girls in Tillsonburg and District.
(1) The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be composed of 14 elected members. Included in the 14 elected members are the Secretary and Treasurer who are elected each year at the AGM. There will also be 2 non-elected positions: One is delegated by the Hockey Mom's and one Past President. The Past President will hold that position without election until removed by the next Past President or upon their resignation. From the 14 elected members there will be four officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. All of the afore mentioned shall have both voice and vote (with the exception of the President, as per Article 5 sec.1). Honorary Directors may be appointed for life at the discretion of the Executive but shall have no vote.
(2) The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall hold office for a period of one year. The Directors shall hold office for a period of two years. Unless a Director resigns prior to serving two years, then in any given year, six Directors shall be elected.
(3) The Directors, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting which shall be held in April of each year.
(4) Fifty percent plus one of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any Board meeting.
(5) The term of office for all Officers and Directors shall be from April 15th of a given year to May 1st of the next year.
(6) The President and the Vice-President shall be elected from and by the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the newly elected Board.
(7) The Directors shall appoint a Registrar, Equipment Manager, Referee-in-chief, OMHA Contact/Rep Convener, Local League Convener, Local League Division Conveners, Ice Convener, and other such committee as required.
Definition of a member: A member is the adult(s) who acts in the parental role of a player or who is an active, registered TMHI volunteer. Each family who has a registered player(s) may have only two parents who represent their player’s best interest in a vote.
(1) A nominating committee consisting of the President, Vice-President and the Immediate Past President shall prepare a list of candidates for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the annual meeting if consent of the nominees in writing is tendered or if the nominee is present.
(2) All members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting shall be entitled to one vote.
(3) Scrutineers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting by the Chairperson.
(1) President - Shall chair all meetings of the Corporation; shall serve ex-officio on all committees; shall be empowered to call special meetings as required; shall be responsible for the orderly operation of the Corporation; shall be a signing officer of the Corporation; shall only vote in the event of a tie.
(2) Past President - Shall be a signing officer of the Corporation.
(3) Vice-President - Shall assume the duties of the President in his absence; shall be a signing officer of the Corporation.
(4) Treasurer - Shall maintain an accurate account of all financial transactions; shall be responsible for all funds received and expended; shall be a signing officer of the Corporation; shall furnish an accurate financial statement at each monthly meeting.
(5) Secretary - Shall record and report the minutes of all regular, directors and special meetings of the Corporation; shall post all regular meeting minutes for membership to view; shall be responsible for the disposition of all incoming and outgoing correspondence; shall arrange the meeting place for all regular, Directors and special meetings at the request of the President; shall be required to keep on file all records of the Corporation; shall prepare all changes to the Constitution during the summer to be brought forward to the Board at the September meeting and forwarded to all coaches for that season.
(6) Directors - Shall partake in the active administration of the Corporation and serve as members of standing committees as required; shall uphold and support all decisions reached by the Board of Directors.
(7) The Board of Directors, after consultation with a Director who has failed to attend three consecutive meetings, may remove that Director from office.
(8) The board of Directors may appoint a replacement for any director that is removed or withdraws from office.
(9) All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open to the general membership, except those held 'in camera' to deal with sensitive issues; any requests to be on the agenda must be in writing.
(1) Registrar - Shall maintain an up-to-date record of all players registered in the Corporation; shall record and maintain up-to-date team lists of all Local League teams and OMHA/OWHA teams; shall be responsible for ensuring player eligibility.
(2) Equipment Manager - Shall dispense all equipment in the beginning of the season and collect all equipment at the end of the season; shall conduct a review of all equipment in the off season and prepare a purchase/repair recommendation to the Board of Directors based on written quotes solicited on behalf of TMHI.
(3) Referee in Chief - Shall arrange for the proper refereeing of all Local League and Rep games and shall work with Board of Directors toward the continuing education and development of referees.
(4) OMHA Contact/Rep Convener - Shall be a member of the Board of Directors; shall act as an OMHA contact person as well as provide a liaison between the Board of Directors and Rep teams.
(5) Local League Division Conveners - Are required to establish teams within their league in accordance with the guidelines currently in place by TMHI, with the objective being a balance league; shall prepare division game and practice schedules for all in-house Local League teams and distribute all schedules (in-house or interlock) in a timely manner; shall support and enforce the rules of TMHI as they pertain to their divisions.
(5a)Local League Convener - Shall be a member of the Board of Directors; shall oversee all activities of TMHI Local League and Select teams; shall act as the centre contact in all inter-town Local League dealings with the Southern Counties Minor Hockey Association; shall provide guidance and support to Division Conveners as required.
(6) Purchasing Committee - Shall be responsible for the purchasing of all equipment necessary for the operation of the Corporation.
(7) Disciplinary Committee - Infractions on the Corporation's rules and regulations shall be dealt with by a committee comprised of the President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President and at least one Director as appointed by the President.
(8) Pictures: The Hockey Mom representative or other designated executive member of TMHI shall arrange to have pictures taken. The picture package will be determined annually by the Executive.
(1) All coaches, assistant coaches, managers and trainers must meet all certification and registration requirements of the OMHA/OWHA. It is the responsibility of all coaches to adhere to the TMHI Coach's Guidelines and to abide by all TMHI, OMHA, OWHA, OHF and CHA policies, rules and regulations as they apply to their team.
(1) Every player registered with TMHI and playing for a traveling representative team shall play for the team designated by the individual player's age unless otherwise determined by the Executive of the Corporation.
(1) All games shall be played pursuant to TMHI, OMHA, OWHA, OHF and CHA rules and regulations that are in force.
(2) Player movement, matters dealing with equipment, game regulations and play-off format shall be in accordance with the TMHI rules.
(3) Wherever the context herein permits, reference to male shall also mean female.
(1) All amendments to the Constitution and By-laws shall be made at any General Meeting called by the Board of Directors.
(2) All proposed amendments to the By-laws must be presented to the secretary before March 1st of the current year. Copies of these proposed amendments must be available to the Board of Directors and any other interested parties by April 1st following.
(3) All proposed amendments must be presented to the floor at any General Meeting and voted on.