Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Coach Selection Criteria
Coaches are selected on the basis of the following criteria
- Interpersonal skills
- Problem solving skills
- Ability to teach, relate and work positively with the kids
- Coaching and playing experience
- Certification
- Past performance
- Hockey knowledge
Defining Characteristics and Ability
Winning at all costs should not be the motivation of coaches. Coaches need to put their efforts towards getting the kids to play the game correctly, competitively and to the best of their ability. Competitiveness is an important part of sports, but it is not the only part.
A coach will combine teaching fundamental skills with teaching life lessons at the same time. A coach must encourage, support and challenge the kids and the team.
A coach must have strong self –discipline and be able to instill discipline into team members. If a situation arises with a child, they will go after the situation and not the individual. A coach will discipline in private and reward in public. A coach will never bruise the dignity of the child and work to build self-esteem and confidence. A coach will advance the core values of TMHI “RAW” Respect, Accountability and Work Ethic.
Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Coach Selection Process
1. Applicants are asked to submit their name, address, coaching qualification, coaching & playing experience, team they wish to apply for along with 2 names of reference to VP of Operations either by email to vp_ops@tmhi or hand delivered to minor hockey room.
2. Applications are reviewed and interviews are offered to qualified candidates.
3. Coaching Selection Committee is made up of VP of Operations, Past President, President, Director(s) of Hockey Operations Committee, OMHA rep and Skills Operation director. If any of the above which to apply for a coaching position they are excluded from all coaching interviews in all divisions. Interview questions are formed from the Hockey Canada Development guide as well as questions that speak to skill and teaching ability of the applicants.
4. Any member of the Coach Selection Committee with a child potentially involved in a division will not vote on the coach selection, but will be able to offer insight into the applicants past performance and interview answers.
5. Coaches are selected and offered the position.
6. Non-successful candidates are then informed of the decision.
7. Feedback from the selection committee it will be provided for the non-successful candidate when requested.
8. Coach selection is final once announced, unless the successful coach is no longer able to continue.
AE tryouts will be a maximum of 3 skates before the team is selected. Cuts may be made after the first AE skate. There must be a minimum of 32 skaters registered for the Rep tryouts in order to have an AE team for that division.