Tillsonburg Hockey Moms Spring 3on3 Hockey Rules
Section One: Governing Play
(a) All CHA rules are in effect unless otherwise stated.
(b) Full CSA approved equipment must be worn by all registered players. This includes helmets, facemasks and neck guards and mouth guards.
Section Two: Teams
(a) Only registered players on team rosters may play.
(b) Game sheets must be filled out prior to game start time.
(c) All teams must start the game with a minimum of four (4) players ie. 3 skaters and 1 goalie; or they forfeit the game and points.
(d) If a goalie is absent, the team may borrow a goalie from another team in their division or bring up a goalie from a lower division.
(e) If a team has less than 6 skaters available for a game, the team may borrow players from another team that are equal to or less level of hockey. (Example, if the missing player(s) are Local League, the borrowed player must be local league as well, if the missing player(s) are Rep A level, they can borrow a Rep A player or lower to fill the gap).
Special Note: Any team with a short bench, is only permitted to borrow players to have 6 Skaters in total. Coach must advise division convenor of borrowed players.
(f) A team that is trailing by five (5) or more goals, at any time, will be allowed one (1) additional skater for the remainder of the game or until the goal differential is less than 5.
Section Three: Rules of Play
(a) All games will be NON-BODYCHECKING and NO SLAPSHOTS will be allowed.
(b) U7 division 14-14-14 running time periods. U9 – U13 will play 15-15-15. With a 2-minute warm-up. ONLY U7 DIVISION WILL HAVE 1 MIN BUZZERS. U7 will play ¾ ice and will play 4on4.
(c) Face-offs will occur only at the beginning of each period
(d) At all other times when the puck leaves the playing surface, it shall be restarted immediately with possession given to the team that did not cause it to go out of play & at a spot near the stoppage but not in the offensive zone.
(e) When play is stopped due to the goalie controlling the puck or a goal was scored, a whistle will signal the attacking players to vacate the zone. Once all the attackers have exited the zone, the players may re-enter to resume play immediately. They may not challenge the opposition until they have all exited the zone. Attacking prematurely may result in a penalty for the offending team.
(f) There is no centre-ice (red) line, and therefore no icing calls.
(g) All offside plays at the blue line will be deemed delayed offside and the referee will call for the offending players to release the puck and exit the zone. Once all the offending players have exited the zone together, they may re-enter the offensive zone.
(h) U7 do not switch ends after each period. U9 to U13 will switch ends at every period.
(i) No time-outs will be allowed during the regular season play. Each team will receive one (1) time-out in the finals games.
(j) Teams may pull their goalie for an extra attacker only in the last 3 mins of a game. Goalies cannot play past the blue line.
(k) There will be no overtime in any regular season games - they will end in a tie. The final game of the season will move to a shoot out if tied after the 3 periods.
· Each team gets three attempts to score and get a shot on goal during a shootout.
· 3 selected players will remain on the ice for the shootout, all other players to sit on the bench
· Home team will shoot first.
· Whichever team scores the most goals out of these three shots wins the game.
· If the score is tied after three attempts, sudden-death rounds will determine the winner.
· A player may not shoot twice in the shootout until every other player on the team has participated in the shootout.
(l) Each player is only allowed to score a maximum of 5 goals in any given game. With the exception of Final Game Shoot Out and penalty shots accrued after a player has achieved their maximum goals. See further details in Section 4e for details.
Section Four: Minor Penalties
Minor Penalties For any minor penalty, time will not be served in the penalty box. Instead, the referee will blow the whistle when the offending team gains possession of the puck, and notify the scorekeeper of the infraction which is recorded.
(a) The fouled player will be awarded a penalty shot at centre ice and all other players will line up along the blue line on one knee behind the centre ice.
(b) The teams will be separated approximately ten feet at the blue line. On the ref’s whistle the shooter will begin the penalty shot and the other players along the blue line will chase the shooter.
(c) Should there be an infraction during the chase the fouled player will be awarded a penalty shot immediately after the accruing penalty shot is completed. If the shooter does not score the play continues. If a penalty shot takes place at the end of a shift the next line on both teams will set up on the backside blue line and the shooter will immediately come off after the shot is taken.
(d) When serving coincidental minor penalties, no penalty shots will be taken. The players involved in the altercation will be sent to their respective bench and the next player in sequence will go on the ice.
(e) If a fouled player has already exceeded their 5-goal allowance, they will still proceed with the penalty shot and the goal will be counted.
(f) Maximum of 3 penalties per player per game – the 4th penalty will result in game ejection.
Section Five: Major Penalties
(a) Major penalties will result in the immediate ejection of the offending player(s) and suspension pending further review by the Convenor. Minimum 1 game suspension.
(b) Fighting or intent to injure majors will result in the penalized players being expelled from the league indefinitely.
(c) Any player expelled from the league will receive NO refund.
Section Six: Coaches
(a) Up to (3) three coaches, assistants or trainers, per team may be on the bench.
(b) Coaches are required to make every effort to ensure EQUAL ICE TIME for all participants and there is to be no shortening of the bench.
(c) Any bench personnel having been ejected from a game, for any reason, will be automatically suspended for a minimum 1 game and subject to further review for possible expulsion from the league.