Aug 16, 2013 | Dana Hicks | 671 views
Start UP
Ice time for the IP program is the following….
1)Beginners- Mondays at 5 and Saturdays at 9
2)Jr Tyke – Tuesdays at 5 and Saturdays at 10:15
3)Tyke – to start in October is Monday 6:15 , Wednesday at 5 and Saturday at 10.
We have scheduled the Beginner Parent Meeting for September 17th at 7pm in the Marwood Lounge. This meeting is a parent meeting to go over expectations for the season and other information sharing.
If anyone is interested in coaching any of the divisions, please let me know as we are running a clinic on the 14th of September for the CHIP course which is required for all division coaching from Novice and below. Priority is given to TMHI parents so we are holding spots. The sooner you can let me know the better. The course is offered in alternative locations all over southern Ontario and I can help you find one if this date does not work. The course is an 8 hour course with 2 of those hours on ice training. Beginners are first time players no matter what the age, if your child is not in the correct group we will work closely with all the coaches to find the right group. The jerseys will be provided for this group as well as socks. Full equipment is required….INCLUDING a mouth guard. If you can get one in their mouth early, please do and trim them to make it fit more appropriately. The kids without or who refuse to wear one will be asked to leave the ice as this is an insurance requirement. Jr Tykes are the group who are moving up from beginner and jerseys and socks will once again be provided at the first skate. Tykes are required to have their own practice jerseys and socks and will receive a new jersey and socks when the teams are divided in late October. More information will be coming and there will be lots of time for questions. Please mark Saturday October 5th as your start date! It is a Saturday and it will be extremely busy downstairs, come a bit early to get the equipment on and find your way around if this will be your first trip to the arena. Historically, the ice times on the hour will be on the Memorial Ice Pad, and the ice times on the 15s will be on the Colin Campbell arena. Just as a hint, the skating club has skating lessons coming off the ice on Saturday Mornings at 10:15 and Monday nights at 6:15, if you hold the kids back in the dressing rooms until the swarm of parents dissipates, it is much easier to control the congestion!! Please keep watching the TMHI website as this is the easiest form of information sharing and where you will find the most up to date schedules. If you are unsure where your child should be placed, please feel free to contact me. We work closely with the kids and it is our priority to make them as comfortable on the ice as possible, this is a long term investment and rushing at this age will not benefit anyone. More kids drop out of hockey when they feel intimidated and uncomfortable on the ice. That is something TMHI prides itself on and will work closely with the coaching groups for each division to ensure it happens.