Season Starts Soon!, News, Jr. Tyke, 2014-2015 (Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc.)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 22, 2014 | Dana Hicks | 515 views
Season Starts Soon!
Please read the attached email refresher!

Hello everyone!!


Welcome to Tillsonburg Minor Hockey for the new families and Welcome back to the returning ones!!


It is that time of year when back to school and Hockey go hand in hand!!!


Here are just some information pieces for those anticipating the big start!!!  Please watch the website for all updates and information.  Important dates and times will be listed there.


1)    Beginners – everyone new to TMHI regardless of age are asked to start here.  We have an active IP Convenor and a group of very skilled helpers who will be monitoring the children's progression and based on age and skill level we will be making changes within groups.

     i.      You will be on the ice Mondays at 5pm and Saturday Mornings at 9:15

     ii.      You will be provided with socks and Jerseys but are responsible for all other equipment – please get a mouth guard NOW and cut it to fit…get it in your child's mouth…it is the number one complaint (besides sore feet) from beginner kids, get it in and get them used to it…plus side, they stay quiet around the house while it is in!!! J

     ii.      Girls are included in all the IP program and will be on the ice together.

     iv.      There is a PARENT meeting to be held in the Marwood Lounge (upstairs) at the arena on the 16th of September at 7pm.  We will go over some information on the program and expectations for the season.

     v.      IF there is anyone interested in helping coach or on the ice please let me know asap and I will get police check forms out to you.


2)    Jr Tyke – everyone who was in beginner last season is asked to attend the JR Tyke skates on Tuesdays at 5pm and Saturdays at 10:15.

     i.  Your socks and jerseys will also be provided on the first day PRIOR to the skate.

     ii.  Please make sure you are on the correct ice on the first Saturday…10:15 means COLIN CAMPBELL ice not MEMORIAL

     iii.  Please have all equipment like last year


3)    Tyke – everyone in Jr Tyke last season is invited to the TYKE skates – we have an extremely large group this year and will be dividing the kids into 2 main groups and 4 teams.  I will let you know which group is on when and we select teams at the end of October.

     i.  Jerseys are provided AFTER the teams are selected but kids need to have practice jerseys

    ii.  Full equipment as always


If you feel your child should remain in a level at any point, please feel free to let me know and we will together with the coaches and IP Convenor ensure your child has the best experience by being in the appropriate level.  We will also be monitoring children's development throughout the season and may approach families to look at movement between levels, this will be based on a number of things, not just age but skill development as well.


Please ensure you visit the website as most information and ice time changes will be posted there.  It is the easiest and most convenient place to share news.


Start date is October 4th  for all groups Beginners at 9:15, Tyke at 10 and Jr Tyke at 10:15.


Looking forward to a great hockey season with all the kids.



Any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]

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