End of year Information, News, Jr. Tyke, 2015-2016 (Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Inc.)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 09, 2016 | Dana Hicks | 916 views
End of year Information
Here is some information on the end of the year 

Hello Parents of our IP program!!


Thank you for getting up every Saturday, and trucking your children to the arena.  Thank you for dedicating your time on and off the ice as volunteers if you happened to do so!  TMHI appreciates each and every one of you.


Here is some year end information:


1)      Final Day for all 3 groups is March 26th – times have been adjusted to plan for pizza parties right after the skate.  We have pizza and gifts for the players but no extra for sale, the canteen should also be open

2)      I am already thinking forward, if you are interested in coaching/training/managing a team next year, please email me at [email protected] with your name and information and I will ensure you are set up with the correct clinics to be ready to hit the ground running in September- each Tyke team has to have a head coach, assistant coach, trainer and manager and all need some sort of certification – it’s a great way to give back since you are there any way!!

3)      Jr Tykes are participating in the Simcoe Optimist Fun Day tournament on the 2nd of April.  It will be a great way for the kids to finish off the season.  Times for each team are posted on the website.

4)      Tillsonburg Minor Hockey is ALWAYS looking for volunteers for board positions.  You are the beginnings of the next 10-15 years of Minor Hockey in Tillsonburg.  If you would like to make a difference, please email me your interest and I can answer any questions you have on time commitment and positions available once again it is [email protected]

5)      For anyone who is currently registered in Beginner – in September we ask that you come out to the Jr Tyke skate unless you would prefer to remain in Beginner for another season.  Anyone registered in Jr Tyke you are asked to return during the Tyke skates.  Any 6 year old in Tyke who will be returning for another season in Tyke you are asked to come out to that skate too!

6)      I am attaching a Tyke to Novice Mainstream hockey information package.  This is for any child moving up to Novice in the LL or Rep stream.  This also includes any 7 year old who is interested in trying out for next seasons Rep team.  Currently our policy follows the IP program from Hockey Canada which states 7 and under are tyke age and 8 year olds are Novice Age.  Our only exception to this rule is if a 7 year old wishes to try out for the Novice Rep team they are allowed to move up.  For more information on this please email me at [email protected]


Once again, on behalf of TMHI and all the volunteers who have spent countless hours with your children on the ice and at the arena, we thank you for your support during the season and we hope your children will be back in September!

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