Sep 10, 2016 | dbehman | 844 views
Bantam Tryouts
Coach Van Louwe would to thank all players for their hard work in the first two tryouts.
Please see the list of players who are being asked to return to tryouts.
If you see "Dorchester" beside your name, you are asked to attend the game on Sunday September 11th at 12:30 pm in Tillsonburg. Please be there by 11:45.
Bailey, J
Black, A
Fabi, M
Moore, R
Van Gurp, J
Van Louwe, B
Battin, S - Dorchester
Brotz, N - Dorchester
Clarkson, L - Dorchester
Davidson, R - Dorchester
Fulkerson, K - Dorchester
Latta, C - Dorchester
Locker, M - Dorchester
Moore, J - Dorchester
Nesplic, K - Dorchester
Newson, C - Dorchester
Rangel, B - Dorchester
Roberts (Hambleton), C - Dorchester
Searles, M - Dorchester
Vandoninck, I - Dorchester
Wernham, J - Dorchester