Sep 04, 2018 | Derek Craggs | 1422 views
Novice Rep @ Ingersoll Roster
Thank you to everyone who attended Novice Rep tryouts tonight, the following players are being asked to play in Ingersoll on Thursday Sept 6 @ 6pm, please be there no later than 530pm.
For the remaining players not listed for Thursdays game, your next skate will be Friday @ 530pm in Norwich
Cole Texeira
Asha David
Jared Hoorelbeke
Levi Bale
Corbin Gozzard
Terren Janzen
Carver Schott
Emerson Hodges
Sam Hunter
Keaton Kingsbury
Michael Gubesch
Tristan Schultz
Lucas Morse
Ty Swick
Drake More
Gibson Teichroeb
Ryland Vandergulik