Jun 23, 2017 | dbehman | 3679 views
TMHI at TurtleFest
It was another successful year for TMHI at Turtle Fest 2017! It was so great to see all of the community interest and involvement in our program and meeting all of the little hockey players stopping by our booth to show us their shooting skills!
Many thanks go to our TMHI player volunteers, Braxton and Brody VanRybroeck, Jacob and Kaden Bailey and Faith and Peyton Hawel, who took their night to raise awareness of the program and interact with the community. They assisted with set-up and take down, and spent the evening helping and guiding the little hockey players who stopped by our booth!!
Many thanks also to Greg Mitchell and the Erie's Edge Real Estate Team who generously provided the use of their time and trailer. On Behalf of all the TMHI Board Members we would like to thank all volunteers, and members of the community who really enabled this year to be such a success!